Carbon Fractal

Self Chaining Blocks

You can help us to create a strong blockchain ledger using passwordless authentication keys ( aka, webauth , FIDO) generated and live only on your device. For this help , you shall earn tokens that can be used to post any content in our blockchain ledger or it may have good market value in the future. We can create blocks within couple mintues in the future but as a starter we will create one block per day.

Get started by creating an account with us ...

Get started by creating an account with us.

First, take our Human challenge test


***** Bots are not allowed to participate. We challenge frequently to ensure that you are human.

Second, register an account with us. Pick a unique ID and start your registation. You need have a device that supports passwordless authentication-FIDO

Already has a registered account, just type your user-id and authenticate

Note: You don’t need to remember password, because we use emerging password less authentication.

Consumers, you can write any message in this immutable chain ...

Consumers, you can write any message in this immutable chain but you need to have a token as a transaction fee. But, we don't sell any token here. Only way to acquire token by signing our blocks. You can submit your message here: Submit Content/Hash

You can send your original message or just hash of your message if you prefer to keep the message’s privacy.

Browe blocks minted by us. ...
Latest Block Details:
  • Block Number:
  • Hash:
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